Building Community with One Another

Our Practice has an unwavering commitment to building outreach and support for our local community through holding service projects throughout the practice year.  Below, are some of the projects we’ve held over the past 18-years.

June 2023: Extending a Spiritual Hello through Rock Art: 

This practice year, Practitioners of our Women’s Program painted rocks with an inspirational statement or quote.  They then placed the rocks throughout the neighborhood that surrounds the building we gather to practice in.
The intent with this project was to offer a spiritual hello through art, by leaving the rocks as gifts for people in the area to find and enjoy.
Women's service (1.1) Women's service (2)
April – May 2023: Cleaning up our local parks and neighborhoods, Individually & Together, by picking up litter and recycling! 

Over the course of 6.5 weeks, a group of seven EA Practitioners dedicated a total of 37.5 hours of service, caring for their local parks and neighborhoods by picking up litter and recycling.

This project allowed for providing a service that holds value for the greater community; and also for the group to put into practice what they live through their spiritual practice, from the heart of Simplicity. In addition, this project offered an opportunity for co-creating and working together both remotely and in-person, while interfacing with their greater local communities in Utah & California.



December 2022: Avalon Health Care Center & Utah Food Bank – With Gratitude & Thanks!
This holiday season we extended gratitude & thanks to a local branch of the Avalon Health Care Centers, and to our Utah Food Bank, through decorating 175 holiday cookies that were gifted to their employees as a festive acknowledgment of all they make possible for their clients and our Utah communities throughout the year.

September 2017-Current: Utah & California Food Banks

This practice-year we have been continuing to support our local Utah Food Bank through collecting food, monetary donations, and volunteering hands-on time at the Food bank’s distribution center.

Since September 2021, we’ve added 163 pounds of food, $453.10 of monetary donations and 1.5hrs of volunteer time to our contribution.

To-date, total collected donations for the Utah Food Bank are 2,229 lbs. of food items and $7,377.73 in monetary donations. Because the Utah Food Bank has a spending power of $7.48 for each dollar donated, they will be able to use the funds to purchase $55,185.42 worth of food to feed those in need in our greater community.  We have also donated 123.5+hrs of volunteer time at our local food bank distribution center.

In addition to our Utah Food Bank, starting in 2020, Practitioners who live in California, have been hosting Service Projects to raise awareness & donations for their at-home Food Banks, and local communities.

We offer a DEEP BOW of Gratitude & Thanks to All those who have donated to our on-going support for keeping our communities fed!

Number 1 Foodbank image
2019- Present: Reducing Our Footprint
Caring for our neighborhoods – Making our communities cleaner and safer for play.

Since 2019, once a month, our Men’s Cohort get together to support keeping our neighborhoods and communities clutter-free by picking up trash that needs to find its resting place in garbage or recycle bins.

In addition to garbage collection, they use this time to get to know their neighbors, and to extend support to our overall communities’ living spaces and quality of life.

Men's cohort service (2) 2022

September 2020 – January 2021-  Garage Sale & “Say it with a Button” Fundraiser

Practitioners of our Core Training Program chose, as service projects, to hold a local Covid-19-Safe Garage Sale in September 2020,  and to sell buttons through a “Say it with a Button” fundraiser, December 2020-January 2021.  The intent with both of these Service Projects was to increase awareness of local & national Food & Clean Water Insecurities.  Combined, they raised $1287.  Proceeds were donated to both our local Utah Food Bank, and DIGDEEP which is a human rights nonprofit organization serving 2.2 million+ Americans without sinks, bathtubs, or toilets.

In gratitude to our local frontline community, they also made and gifted 600 Appreciation buttons to the University of Utah & Intermountain Healthcare hospitals.

December 2018  – Coat Drive

Our Core Training Program chose, as their service project, to run a coat drive to raise awareness and support local homeless shelters. They collected and donated 509 items, including coats, hats, scarves, and other warm articles of clothing.



December 2016 – Angel Tree

In 2016 our group adopted a 7-year-old child at Christmas time, gifting him with a variety of items from his Christmas wish list. Our intent with this was to hold a child in the heart of giving that exists through the holiday season and throughout year.

December 2015 – The Road Home

In December of 2015, we knit and gave warm scarves and hats to The Road Home.

2006-2014 – Salt Lake City Festival of Trees

From 2006-2014 our group held local fundraisers such as garage sales, breakfast, & BBQ charity events to raise money to be able to donate decorated trees to be auctioned off at the Festival of Trees. Through our efforts, we raised $33,000 over a 9-year period for our local Primary Children’s Hospital. Our intent was holding children and their families in our community within the heart of connection that exists not just through the holiday season but throughout the whole year.

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